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We help organisations and people in this rapidly changing world to shape their future by standing still, making conscious choices and taking action. We believe it pays to turn off autopilot and find your own way, off the beaten track.


About Eva Lenaerts


Hello, I am Eva. Looking for the right tone of voice, in 2013, I consciously became an independent coach & consultant and founded SHAPE YOUR FUTURE! 
With a heart for people and organisations who consciously want to shape their future, the name SHAPE YOUR FUTURE! was born.

My career followed different paths, always curious about opportunities to stretch and develop myself. I built up experience as a strategic consultant, facilitator and coach. In those past years, projects brought me into profit and non-profit organisations, behind the corner and on the African continent, at board level and with team leaders in the plant. The common denominator is always working with people who work with people and want to get better at it.

Thanks to my economic background and experience as a consultant at KornFerry|HayGroup, among others, I have an integrated and experienced view of people and organisations. Concrete and valuable..

II work in three languages (NL/F/E) and, for larger assignments, I collaborate with a select network of other professional consultants and coaches who share my professional values. I work as a supporting partner of Truvius, Fly Consult in their major projects.

Get in touch


As a coach, I support & challenge you in your process of finding answers to your question


As a consultant I share my knowledge 
and experience for your projects


As a trainer I bring in scientific models and insights and alternate with experiential learning


As a facilitator I accompany groups to come to a shared and supported vision or insight

Relevant learning curriculum:

  • Master in Business Science
  • Coaching programm - ICF certified coach - the Coaching square
  • Stress &  Burnout coach - Your Coach Ghent
  • Boundaries - NLP - Anné Linden - NY NLP Institute.
  • Masterclass Growth Mindset -  Carol Dweck & James Nottingham - Nieuwegein
  • How to stimulate a growth mindset - Platform Mindset
  • Taking decisions with Deep democracy - Mediv 
  • Voice Dialogue - Level 1 - Voice dialogue institute